Monday, September 20, 2010

I'd better get a wriggle on....

I've finally made some time to catch up on some other bloggers.
Slowly but surely I'm making my way through my favourites list.
The problem is, of course, I do have a lot of favourites.
And despite my absurdly time snatching schedule, I keep wanting to take on more projects...

Like this little dress at Jellywares

Fortunately I can put this one on hold as Jodie hasn't released the pattern yet
And I have no little girls to make it for.

This pattern from Elaine at Northern Lights is perfect for my grandson Charlie

Luckily it's spring, so I can put them,

And these,

On hold too.

At least crocheting is wonderfully portable,
which is more than can be said of some patchwork.

I love this from Hen at Henhouse.  

And this from Cardygirl

Aren't they all scrumptious?
One of these days I may actually post something I've made
But I wouldn't hold your breath waiting!

This week my great accomplishment was mark of 96% on a maths test.Whoohoo
I'm doing an enabling course at the University of Notre Dame in Fremantle. So I'm revisiting all those much neglected subjects of English and Mathematics plus a few new ones, like research skills (on databases) and computer skills.

I'm having very mixed results. Maths is fun, especially as I'm one of the few in my class (all of whom are young enough to be my children!) who knows their times tables. Which really makes me smile. Computer Skills is horrible. I find learning on line quite a trial and I get very bad tempered with it. Which makes me frown and my classmates smile.

I love it.
If I pass, and I hope I will, next year I plan to ..... ..... well that's the million dollar question, isn't it? Like craft, there are so many options for study and I'm finding it very hard to choose just one. Applications for enrollment are due by next week.
I'd better get a wriggle on and make up my mind


  1. So glad to hear your enjoying yourself after all those doubts.

    I love Freemantle all those lovely old colonial buildings I would have to have one of those if I lived there.
    cate x

  2. hello Mrs Cumquats! and thank you for the mention! so strange to think it is Spring time for you now downunder when all I can think about is cosy hats!!

    Congratulations on your university enrolement -such an adventure for you, and I wish you all the best - here's hoping you can still manage the odd blog post from time to time - take care, Elaine x

  3. Great post...oh we all have great aspirations....but finding time is tricky!What is your course???? I find adult education is good...I love to study, but again time is an issue! Good luck!


Thank you for popping in to say hello. It's lovely to hear from you.