Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Neglecting my dear little blog

I feel sad that I've neglected my dear little blog

And all my lovely new friends.

Its just that,

I am so busy, running around,

Like a chook without a head.

I shouldn't even be here now,

I should be busy doing something else.

Because ... you see ... I have

...Against all better judgement

And prudent time management...

Enrolled to study

At University.

I really must be demented

To return to study after so many years.

(And after dropping out of Uni

Back in the 80s

When I was pregnant with my first child )

But if truth be told,

And it should be,

Student life is a lot of fun.

It's revisitng my youth

And finding little bits of myself

I had forgotten about.

Its time away

from all the "stuff"

I am responsible for.

Its wonderful, self indulgent Me time.

Now I just need to figure out

How to make it smooth sailing on calm waters!

(- : All good advice will be greatly appreciated.  :-)


  1. Well done you, I have just passed a course which I was terrified of doing, but I'm so glad I did it, hang in there and best of luck
    Cate x

  2. I would just like to say how lovely to see you back.I am so proud of you going back to study,it will be wonderful for you even if overwhelmimg at first. Our daughter has had to do another uni course online as she went for a job never expecting to get it,got it and has to do some courses part time,she is doing a unit at a time,works full time in shifts and has 3 children,I am in awe of her at times but she is getting there and so will you.You will be so proud of yourself at the other end of the tunnell lol.Please pop back,take a few mins a week even aso we can encourage you whe you are struggling and praising you when you achieve.Have a lovely day.Carole xx

  3. What a fabulous thing to do! I found adult study was so much easier...I wish you well! What are you studying?

  4. HI Kim, thanks for stopping by my blog :) Its nice to meet you.

    I'm back already from my trip to Perth (only went for 2 days),and only has 1/2 hour to check out the opies...found a great eiderdown at Good Sammys on Murray Street, just up from Miss Mauds Hotel but could not bring it home :(

    Good luck with your uni course, I am sure it will be Wonderful :)

    Nice to meet you, Tamara


Thank you for popping in to say hello. It's lovely to hear from you.